"Yalnızlık orada bir yerde" 2011 by
Elisabeth Scholz-Yildiz/Engin Yildiz
"Yalnızlık orada bir yerde"
Somewhere... there is loneliness 

Istanbul – A city growing so quickly and constantly changing; a city that is exceptionally fascinating, vibrant  and  advancing.  However,  what  about  loneliness? Where  exactly  can  we  find  it?  Is  it  in  us? Around us? .... Some seek loneliness, some want to escape it. Some do not miss anything and need nothing. Some say they were never lonely.  

Loneliness in Istanbul –  it  exists! And no one is  protected against it. A journey into the  world of six protagonists which will help us to understand the different facets of loneliness.